m y D I Y v a n b u i l d .

Enjoy the journey with my
project-by-project videos!

I had no experience.
All I had was determination, a tight budget, and the willingness to learn.

a f e w f a v o r i t e s .

Each video details a specific project
I completed on the van build.

I made sure to highlight where I went wrong,
the things I needed to fix, what I learned,
and how you can be successful with similar projects on your own DIY build.

a h o m e o n
a b u d g e t .

One of my favorite aspects about my little home on wheels is how affordable it is.

I kept materials cheap and systems simple.
This backsplash tile only cost $3, and to this day it is one of my favorite features of the van!

w a n t t o s k i p
t h e d e t a i l s ?

Watch the transformation from beginning to end, all in one video.